Purchasing cards will prompt for additional card information. We recommend that you answer all of the prompts to ensure a lower cost to you when manually keying a transaction.
Sales Tax:
Yes or No (if the terminal asks for an amount, input the tax amount. It will NOT add to the total you initially keyed in). Failure to add the tax amount will default to a more expensive Interchange.
- MC requires a valid tax amount; the amount must be greater than $0.00.
- If the card presented is a GSA card (Government, tax exempt) then do NOT enter anything when prompted for sales tax. This info will show on their credit card statement as tax, even if you did not charge any tax.
Customer Code: If you do not have a Customer Code, key in a 3-digit (i.e. 101)
Invoice Number: If you do not have an Invoice Number, key in a number. (i.e. 1)
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